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Xinjiang Torch Gas Business Charge System
Author:Qingdao iESLab Electronic Source:Qingdao iESLab Electronic Read Frequency:2480 Release Time:2019-10-19

The Kashgar Torch Gas Original Charging System uses the stand-alone system provided by the watch factory,Installed more than a dozen IC card charging systems in the business hall;The gas meter factory also gave the integration and only compatible the cards of the three gas meter factories,Daily reports cannot be effectively counted;Machine meter charges, using manual billing;Other gas business systems are almost blank。

Qingdao iESLab  has undertaken the customer service management system of Kashgar Torch Gas,mainly includes:User report management, revenue multi-card integration, call dispatch management, mobile security management,report construction, revenue, security inspection have been used online,Revenue multi-card compatibility is compatible with more than ten meter factory cards to a unified system,Greatly improve the efficiency of business processing.The customer service system integrates the user management related business of Kashi Torch in a unified system,Unified management of all types of business data。








Charging system

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